Monday, January 3, 2011

A Generous Life

Happy New Year!  I can hardly believe 2011 is here! 

Okay, I actually say that EVERY January with surprise that the new year has arrived even though I’ve been anticipating it for the last few months.  So, I’m making a New Year’s Resolution to not say “I can’t believe it’s 2012” next year!  J

Speaking of New Year’s Resolutions, I have picked my theme for 2011.  For those not understanding, I don’t make resolutions at the beginning of the year; instead, I pick a theme and then set various goals around that theme. Last year my theme was Kindness, which inspired this blog (more to come in 2011!), and I had a fantastic year learning about, witnessing, and being the recipient of much kindness. 

This year, I had a few different, yet related ideas, but I couldn’t figure out how to combine them into one single theme and I was unsettled choosing just one.  Then out of the blue, inspiration hit at the oddest of events…strategic planning for a client.   What transpired to bring about my sudden inspiration is another story, but when I heard these words, I knew I had my theme that combined all of my desires for this coming year.

            Live a Generous Life

I immediately looked up the definition of generous and to my delight, there were three definitions that encompassed my other thought-about themes.

1) “Liberal in giving or sharing” 
2) “Free from meanness or smallness of mind or character; magnanimous; noble”
3) “Large; abundant”   

What I love most about these definitions collectively is that they combine the act of giving and sharing material abundance as well as giving, sharing and cultivating goodness of character. 

I am challenged to give more of myself.  

       I can give time
       I can share talents
       I can offer love, kindness, forgiveness and understanding
       I can genuinely extend compliments and praise
       I can be slow to anger and offense
       I can seek and create positive experiences for myself and for others
       I can be more concerned with how others feel
       I can cultivate a heart of gratitude
       I can approach each day with a determination to live present and live fully!

So here's a toast to a splendid 2011!  May yours be filled with the sweetness that comes from generosity and kindness.